
Serastro's Drury Lane. Fit.

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South Molten St Christmas lights.

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Optimistic or Desperate?

He walked past just after i saw this. This is a very flattering picture.

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Can't wait for this.

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Ghost Forest

Trafalgar Square. Well worth a look.

Just wondering what the 'carbon footprint' of the display is?

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Christopher Kane for TopShop

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Amazing desert. What hangover?

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Much needed insanity

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Good night out?

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Better than a winning Euro Millions ticket

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In Class

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Plush 1st Class Virgin Lounge

You can't even see the amazing free drinks cabinet. Virgin Cola as far as the eye can see. So glad i paid like £15. What a rip. Free booze on the train though.

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Broadening my horizons

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Driving at night.

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The view from Matt, Elisa and Gio's flat. Nice.

Big queue outside Plastic. Shame this is all i can remember.

The most disgusting toilet ever? I feel so sorry for girls who also had to use this.

Duomo. Pulled me out of my hangover. For a little bit anyway.

This train had the interior of a 70s living room. Weird.

Apparently does exactly what it says on the tin. The rest of the advert was a bit too graphic. I think it is 'blowjob lube'.

London needs to get some of these. But i think with Minis instead? If you can't tell what it is, its a plant pot the size of and in the shape of a small car.

I think all shopping malls should look like this. It just makes you want to spend your money.

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuor. Beautiful.

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On my way. Just.

The most hassle ever getting through security for my flight to Milan. I suppose not surprisingly the security folks took a dislike to my Katie Eary DMs. I don't know what was funnier, the first woman suggesting that I use them to 'kick peoples heads in', or the second woman telling me that 'maybe next time I should put the toe cap on the inside of the shoe'. I thought about explaining the references to animal farm and that my boyfriend worked for the designer, but I really hate wasting my breath. Even more ridiculous is that I was told to have them in my bag next time, and not on my feet, and there wouldn't be a problem. Pfft.

Anyways, I am finally sat on the plane waiting to take off. Below you can see me view. To take that picture I had my phone about a centimetre from my face. Is it me or is head/body/leg space constantly decreasing on planes? I have the Evening Standard magazine and Gandhi's autobiography to occupy me, wonder which ill read first? I don't actually know how long the flight is though, and I'm getting increasingly stronger wafts of out of date fruit in my nostrils seemingly from the guy on my row. Thank god for the amazing aircraft ventilation system. NOT.

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